Dermot Mansfield presents a clear and vivid account of the life of John Henry Newman, a man who...
Carlo Acutis, born May 3, 1991, fully embraced the gift of life. Known as a computer whiz, he ...
Throughout salvation history, Saint Michael the Archangel has appeared when God's people...
The life stories of the Celtic saints are inspirational. They demonstrate great and unassuming...
Trials quickly take Peace away from us. Does this mean peace of heart is impossible? No, for ...
This book highlights the importance of this wonderful man for our times and as an exemplar of ...
She embraced radical poverty. Led the first female followers of Saint Francis. Advised popes....
The story of Saint Anthony of Padua has been told many times. But never like this. In this...
The book tells the story of the lives of ten very unique people from the recent past. Each...
In 1858 Our Lady appeared to Bernadette, a girl of fourteen, the eldest of the four children of...
This is the classic work that tells the true story surrounding the miraculous visions of St....
An early life of wrenching loss, unbelief, and rebellion preceded Charles de Foucauld’s...