

Saints & Saints' Writings

Julian of Norwich's Literary Legacy
Luke Penkett
[Hard Paper] 31/03/2023

This book is a systematic linguistic study of, and commentary upon, Julian of Norwich's A...

This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Dwyer, Claire
[Paper Back] 21/01/2021

Decades before Vatican II called for the sanctification of the laity, St. Elizabeth of the ...

Aidan of Lindisfarne
Simon Webb
[Paper Back] 09/04/2022

Sticking closely to the account written by the Venerable Bede, Simon Webb’s biography of...

Saint John of the Cross: Master of Contemplation
Fr Donald Haggerty
[Paper Back] 01/07/2022

Saint John of the Cross is the Church's premier teacher on contemplative prayer. Catholic...

Day by Day with St Faustina: 365 Refelctions
Tassone Susan
[Paper Back] 19/04/2019

From best-selling and award-winning author Susan Tassone comes this beautiful collection of...

Every Day with St Joseph
Amore Mary
[Paper Back] 01/12/2021

As Guardian of the Holy Family and Patron of the Universal Church, Saint Joseph is a model and...

Wounds of Love: The Story of Saint Padre Pio
Campbell Phillip
[Hard Paper] 13/09/2022

Phillip Campbell returns to offer young Catholics a compelling historical account of the life of...

Heart Speaks to Heart: The Story of Blessed John Henry Newman
Mansfield Dermot
[Paper Back] 01/06/2010

Dermot Mansfield presents a clear and vivid account of the life of John Henry Newman, a man who...

Carlo Acutis: The First Millennial Saint
Gori Nicola
[Paper Back] 06/06/2024

Carlo Acutis, born May 3, 1991, fully embraced the gift of life. Known as a computer whiz, he ...

Celtic Saints: 40 Days of Devotional Readings
David Cole
[Paper Back] 20/06/2020

The life stories of the Celtic saints are inspirational. They demonstrate great and unassuming...

Saint Michael the Archangel
Day, James F
[Paper Back] 30/10/2020

Throughout salvation history, Saint Michael the Archangel has appeared when God's people...

Peace of Heart According to St Benedict
Ducruet Bernard OSB
[Paper Back] 14/03/2022

Trials quickly take Peace away from us. Does this mean peace of heart is impossible? No, for ...


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