Just as with his stirring narrative of the life of St. Francis, St. Francis of Assisi: Passion,...
This TAN Classics edition of The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux, features the complete...
Few people, even in Norwich, knew anything about Julian when her 600th anniversary was celebrated...
In every era of the Catholic Church, holy men and women have shaped history through their gifts...
From the earliest days of the Church through modern times, women have always played a unique and...
Enrich each day with wisdom from our greatest spiritual thinkers. Through brief daily readings ...
A new book by Elizabeth Ruth Obbard to celebrate the 650th anniversary of Julian’s...
They may be coated in layers of myth and pious anecdote but dig deep enough and the pioneering...
Since he was beatified in 2020, Carlo Acutis has been the subject of widespread interest across...
How does boy from Milan who only lived to the age of 15 become a global "influencer for...
Focusing on the lives and writings of five women mystics, the great theologian and spiritual...
This book is a systematic linguistic study of, and commentary upon, Julian of Norwich's A...