Daily Prayer provides a thoughtful order of prayer for each day, allowing you to spend time...
Those who prepare the liturgy are entrusted with a very important task—helping our...
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 2024–2025 is the essential guide for prayer...
Over half of self-identified Catholics are regularly absent from the pews on Sunday. How do these...
Available December 2024 In Sacred Times, Paul Turner offers a practical guide on the General...
Biblical Liturgial Diary for 2025. Choice of blue or orange cover.
An invaluable book with new insights and depth of meaning to enrich our daily reading of ...
This book is a short introduction to the development of the Roman Rite of Mass, the most widely...
This practical pastoral resource provides helpful formation and guidance for lectors and...
Living Liturgy Sunday Missal combines essential liturgical content with the finest presentation ...
This concise, easy-to-use pastoral resource provides spiritual nourishment for extraordinary...
Ponder: Contemplative Bible Study accompanies all hearers and preachers of the Word as they...