In Passions of the Soul, Rowan Williams opens up the great classics of Eastern Christian...
"Benedict XVI was a spiritual master," writes Robert Cardinal Sarah of his longtime...
This book uses the classic week-long "short form" of the Exercises, linking...
Jim Clarke draws on his over forty years of experience in pastoral ministry to explore common...
A guidebook on how to live the Trappist charism outside a monastic enclosure.
Our calling by Christ to be his disciples is so fundamental to our faith that we sometimes fail ...
Traditional forms of devotion to the Sacred Heart, also known as the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,...
The changes that we must make to address the complex ecological crises today are unlikely to...
"'Come, have breakfast’ (Jn 21:12) These three simple words followed by generous...
Why is there so much suffering? How can I make sense of my own pain? Where is God in the midst of...
Be Still is an immensely practical book from 24-7 Prayer's Brian Heasley that explores...
Fr. Nortz masterfully builds upon the classic reflections of Sr. Marie-Aimée de...