

Reclaiming the Piazza II: Catholic Education and the New Evangelisation
Reclaiming the Piazza II: Catholic Education and the New Evangelisation
Ronnie Convery, L Franchi, R McCluskey
[Paper Back]

What is 'new' and continues to develop is the form by which that same Gospel is proclaimed with fresh enthusiasm, in a contemporary and comprehensible language, with methodologies capable of transmitting the deepest sense of God's unchanging Word. In the last decades, as the cacophonies of secularism, relativism, individualism, materialism, and indifference have continued to blare, many have become deaf to the Word of God and live without ever noticing the absence of God as a real absence in their lives. Yet, it is within this cultural context that Catholic schools and universities have the extraordinary opportunity to 'make the deaf hear'... We must understand better how these privileged places for the development of human thought and personal formation will become communities where critical thinking is encouraged, to allow each student to contribute meaningfully to the common good through the witness of his or her personal faith. The theoretical and practical contributions made by the authors of this book will serve as a helpful roadmap for this critical reflection.




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