

A Catholic Scientist Proves God Exists
A Catholic Scientist Proves God Exists
Verschuuren Gerard
[Paper Back]

Challenging today's accepted wisdom, Catholic scientist Gerard Verschuuren, Ph.D., here demonstrates that the question of whether God exists is not one science can answer. Indeed, that would be like expecting a microscope to reveal the square root of sixteen!

Verschuuren begins by explaining the five famous medieval proofs for the existence of God based on reason alone that have survived despite nearly a thousand years of efforts to refute them. With his wise help, you’ll come to see that just as reason gives us access to the existence of numbers, so it is reason that gives us access to the existence of God. In fact, when we use our reason to investigate the existence of God, we encounter proofs that are more powerful, by far, than any that science could ever provide.

Yes, Verschuuren is a Catholic, but he's also a long-standing scientist, schooled in using reason alone to draw forth from evidence the proofs to which it necessarily leads.


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