

The Universe Provides
The Universe Provides: Finding miracles and inspiration in unexpected places
Eddie Gilmore
[Paper Back]

  • Warm, inspirational, friendly stories of hope through faith and humanity
  • Authors unique experiences as CEO Irish Chaplaincy evoke the character of Irish Catholic faith

The Universe Provides collects stories of hope, miracles and uplifting personal encounters from Eddie Gilmore’s travels around a global community rediscovering itself following the isolations of the coronavirus pandemic. Following the course of a calendar year, gently guided by the waymarkers of the natural and liturgical seasons, Eddie records countless moments of friendship, kindness and connection, often accompanied by laughter, tears and music. Some of his encounters are planned, through his ministry as CEO for the Irish Chaplaincy, a charity which supports Irish people in Britain, including prisoners, Travellers and Seniors; other moments, perhaps the most fulfilling, arrive unexpectedly – gifts from the universe, which truly provides when we open our hearts.

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