

Celtic Daily Prayer: Book Two: Farther Up and Farther in (Northumbria Community)
Celtic Daily Prayer Book Two: Farther Up and Farther In
Northumbria Community
[Hard Paper]

A brand new two-year collection of daily readings and prayers, with Celtic themes and inspiration. Building on the foundations set down in the first volume, this new collection blends the voices of the early Celtic and desert saints with more contemporary sources in ways that continue to speak to us in our own generation and culture. Prayer is the 'heartbeat' of the Northumbria Community, and this book contains the Daily Office (morning, midday and evening prayer, and compline), which can be said, or sung to the music provided. As well as the Daily Office, there are four original Communion services, along with liturgies and prayers that have emerged out of real-life experiences of seeking God in many differing contexts throughout the world.

Topics include reaching adulthood/mid-life/old-age; renewal of a marriage; the summer solstice; living with pain; blessing a garden; Christmas preparation; after an argument; scattering ashes; studying; peace; the 'father wound'; loyalty and sleep, among many, many others. There is also a meditation for each day of the month.

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