

Dementia: Pathways to Hope: Spiritual Insights and Practical Advice
Dementia: Pathways to Hope - Spiritual Insights and Practical Advice
Morse Louise
[Paper Back]

To be diagnosed with dementia is 'like being blindfolded and let loose in a maze'. There is no clear treatment to follow, because each case is unique. But once thickets of misunderstanding and misinformation are brushed aside, there are pathways to hope. 'Secular models of support don't adequately reflect Christian values of compassion, love and service,' explains Louise Morse. 'Neither do they describe the power of spiritual support. This is key to the wellbeing of the caregiver, as well as the person with dementia.' This book is packed with examples of what works, as well as practical advice and accessible medical information. Louise Morse is a cognitive behavioural therapist and works with a national charity whose clients include people with dementia. Her MA dissertation, based on hundreds of interviews, examined the effects on families of caring for a loved one with dementia.

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