

Youth Ministry

Inside Out: Connecting Word to Life
Bible Society
[Hard Paper] 30/06/2020

Introducing Inside Out: Connecting word to life, a new youth resource created in...

Catholic Youth Bible NRSV, 4th International Edition
[Hard Paper] 01/11/2019

The Catholic Youth Bible, 4th International Edition, has a colourful and engaging design that...

Dear Young Friends: Pope Francis In Conversation with Young People
Brendan Leahy
[Paper Back] 16/02/2017

When he spoke to the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who gathered in Kraków for World...

A-Z of Living for Christ
Pope Francis
[Paper Back] 15/01/2017

Like the rich man who asked Jesus, ‘What must I do to inherit eternal life?’ many...

Exploring Emotional Health: Six workshop outlines for youth leaders
Edge, Liz
[Paper Back] 07/07/2017

On average, three children in every class at school are affected by a mental health...

Way of Life for Young Catholics
Wang Stephen
[Paper Back] 07/02/2025

Written for young Catholics who want to live their faith more deeply but are not sure what steps...

World Youth Day: Inspiring Generations
James Kelliher, J Rowney & Paula Mendez
[Paper Back] 10/05/2013

Powerful testimonies from World Youth Day, Madrid 2011 in preparation for Rio 2013. World ...

Christ is Alive! Christus Vivit
Pope Francis
[Paper Back] 30/05/2019

For young people today, trying to find a path to holiness in a hostile world is increasingly...

Truth: A Confirmation Course for Teenagers: Leader's Guide
Curtin Danny
[Paper Back] 30/09/2011

The brightest, liveliest Confirmation Course for teenagers. Packed with activity ideas, real life...

Truth: A Confirmation Course for Teenagers: Candidate's Book
Curtin Danny
[Paper Back] 30/09/2011

The brightest, liveliest Confirmation Course for teenagers. Packed with activity ideas, real life...

Your Faith: A Popular Presentation of Catholic Belief
Rosemary Gallagher & John Trenchard
[Paper Back] 01/01/1995

Your Faith presents the fundamental truths of the Catholic faith in a simple and popular way. It...

Survival Guide for Young Catholics
Chater John
[Paper Back] 12/02/2015

Do you wonder why, as a Catholic, you do some of the things that you do? Have you ever found...


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