

Various Artists

CD The Rosary (2 CDs)
Dana and Fr Kevin Scallon
[CD] 05/06/2005

Pope John Paul II said that the Rosary is a powerful prayer for peace, for families, and for...

CD Complete Chants (3CDs)
Rizza Margaret

Over three hours of Margaret's simple yet hauntingly beautiful chants.

CD Divine Mercy with Mediations and Songs
Ness Marilla

Dedicated to St. Faustina, this beautiful album includes readings and meditations from her Diary,...

CD Praise & Blessings
Monica Brown

A valuable resource for Sacramental Programmes, prayer and liturgy. Featuring 30 beautiful hymns,...

CD Seven Sorrows Rosary
Ness Marilla

Marilla’s beautiful new CD reminds us that although this devotion goes back to the...

CD Sorrowful Woman
Ness Marilla

Marilla's love for the Blessed Virgin Mary is expressed in her own title track composition ...

CD He Touched Me
Ness Marilla

He Touched Me has become the definitive album of the Charismatic Renewal Movement, containing 16...

CD Heart To Heart
James Kilbane

Track Listing: 1. The Old Rugged Cross 2. Amazing Grace 3. The Wedding Song (There is...

CD Life's Miracle
James Kilbane

To celebrate the success of another year James is delighted with the release of his latest album...

CD Special Collection
Monica Brown

This CD consists of favourites such as The Emmaus Song, Celebrate, A Remembering Heart, My...

CD One Moment
Monica Brown

This CD consists of deeply spirit filled songs and hymns, which sing of our relationship with ...

CD Our God Is Near
Monica Brown

This wonderful collection of 8 hymns and songs presents the scriptural imagery of Advent and...


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