

God's Guide for Grandparents
God's Guide For Grandparents
Erschen Susan M.
[Paper Back]

Very often it is grandparents who ensure that the most important values are passed down to their grandchildren, and many people can testify that they owe their initiation into the Christian life to their grandparents.” — Pope Francis, apostolic exhortation The Joy of Love

As fun and special as time spent with grandchildren can be, we know that being a grandparent is a supporting — and not a starring — role. So, how can grandparents truly make a difference in their grandchildren’s lives?

Grandparents have the unique opportunity to be holy role models by continuing to grow in their faith and by living the values of the Gospel message in the following ways:

  • Putting others first
  • Accepting without judging
  • Showing compassion to the needy
  • Looking with awe at God’s creation
  • Living peacefully Having courage
  • Being generous
  • Being content with what you have
  • Loving unconditionally
  • Looking to the future with hope
  • Being joyful
  • Expressing gratitude

God’s Guide for Grandparents draws on sacred Scripture, the example of the saints, the teachings of the Church, the writings of Pope Francis, and anecdotes from today’s grandparents. Grandchildren are always watching. Make the most of your opportunity to have a positive and lasting impact in their lives.


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