

Gift Books

Retreat in My Pocket (Treasures for the Journey)
Mary Fleeson
[Paper Back] 01/02/2019

Why do we need to Retreat from daily life? This little book explores why retreating can be a...

The Lindisfarne Alphabet Guide
Mary Fleeson
[Paper Back] 01/01/2022

This little guide contains interesting information about the Island alongside beautiful...

Pilgrim Paradigm: Faith in Motion
Brouillette André
[Paper Back] 04/01/2021

Pilgrimage is a fitting metaphor for our times. Movement, displacement, discovery, embodiment, ...

Multicoloured Advent Colouring Book
Fleeson, Mary
[Paper Back] 12/11/2018

Multicoloured Advent is a small book to help guide your thoughts and meditation during the quiet...

Poems and Prayers for Autumn
Fleeson, Mary
[Paper Back] 10/09/2020

Autumn, season of Harvest, colourful leaves and misty mornings. A time to remember and a time to...

Soul Seasons: A Poetic Journey Through Life
Deeds Jim
[Paper Back] 21/06/2021

Soul Seasons is the follow up to Jim’s book of poems, Gym for the Soul, and was...

Poems and Prayers for Spring
Mary Fleeson
[Paper Back] 01/01/2020

Spring is a wonderful time of year to consider where we are in our journey through life. Not only...

Multicoloured Psalms Colouring Book
Fleeson, Mary
[Paper Back] 30/03/2020

A pocket collection of designs to colour in based on a selection of Psalms. Use ...

Little Book of Inner Peace: Simple Practices for Less Angst, More Calm
Ashley Davis Bush
[Paper Back] 01/01/2017

This stunning, colour-illustrated guide includes practices to help you let go of everyday ...

Christmas Reflections: Meditations and Prayers
Mary Fleeson
[Paper Back]

Christmas Reflections contain nine of Mary's Christmas themed pieces of artwork along with...

The Self-Care Squad Journal: For Teens and Pre-Teens
Amy Claire
[Hard Paper] 28/12/2021

Colourful and easy-to-use, The Self-Care Squad Journal fosters self-care, mindfulness,...

Multicoloured Psalms 2 Colouring Book
Fleeson, Mary
[Paper Back] 26/06/2020

A pocket collection of designs to colour in based on a new selection of Psalms. Use Multicoloured...


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