


Ellie: An inspiring story about inclusivity and growing up with Down Syndrome
[Hard Paper] 19/11/2024

This empowering and up-lifting picture book by Ellie Goldstein will inspire young children to be...

Be Positive (Be You)
Editors of TEEN Breathe
[Paper Back] 07/10/2022

This practical guide encourages teenagers to embrace happiness and make steps towards a more...

Fox: A Circle of Life Story
Isabel Thomas
[Paper Back] 01/10/2020

In the frost-covered forest of early spring, fox is on a mission to find food for her three cubs....

Bible Atlas: A Pictorial Guide to the Holy Lands
Delf Brian
[Hard Paper] 31/01/2024

Discover where events in the Old and New Testaments took place and see how people lived in...

God Made Me
Una MacLeod
[Hard Paper] 01/07/2015

Show your pre-schoolers that God made everything around them. These sturdy books start them early...

God Made the World
Una MacLeod
[Hard Paper] 01/07/2015

Show your pre-schoolers that God made everything around them. These sturdy books start them early...

God Made Colours
Una MacLeod
[Hard Paper] 01/07/2015

Show your pre-schoolers that God made everything around them. These sturdy books start them early...

My Advent: Learn All About Advent
Allen A & G
[Hard Paper] 05/08/2007

My Advent is the ideal way to introduce children to the themes of the season. Featuring beautiful...

Little Children's Christmas Activity Book
James Maclaine, Lucy Bowman
[Paper Back] 06/10/2016

A fantastic book of Christmas things to do, from festive puzzles to doodling and colouring, with...

Peep Inside the Nativity
Anna Milbourne
[Hard Paper] 06/09/2022

This is a book to treasure every Christmas, with stunning cut out peep-holes leading from one...

First Sticker Christmas
Beecham Alice
[Paper Back] 06/09/2023

Discover the magic of Christmas with this enchanting book. From decorating the tree to making and...

Nativity: The Story of Baby Jesus
Eliot May
[Paper Back] 24/10/2013

The greatest story ever told is born again in this beautiful new retelling of the ...


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