The Jubilee Year is a special year of grace. It is a time of pilgrimage, prayer, repentance and acts of mercy, based on the Old Testament tradition of a jubilee year of rest, forgiveness and renewal.
In 2023 the Church prepares for the Jubilee Year - 2025 - by delving once again into the riches and challenges of the Four Constitutions issued by Vatican II, namely:
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium)
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium)
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum)
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes)
In 2024 the Church will focus on Prayer and in particular the Our Father
The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection features the four central documents that most fully...
Vatican II was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between...
Dei Verbum is the Dogmatic Constitution on the Word of God. It deals with the subject of divine...
The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was one of the most significant events in the life of the...
As the year 2000 approached, Blessed John Paul II, who had himself participated in the Second...
Vatican II was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between...
In this indispensable guide, Edward P. Hahnenberg outlines each of the documents produced by the...
Vatican II is known to every Catholic at least by name, but we're a little skimpy on the...
The Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), a gathering of Catholic bishops from around the...
The Church’s Twenty-One ecumenical councils have been crucial to its understanding of its...
How are we to make sense of the various characterisations of the council, often in polemical...
From 1962 to 1965, in perhaps the most important religious event of the twentieth century, the...
Every commentary on the "Book of Psalms" has had to face the issue that many of these prayers...
Do You Love Me? is a response by the Bishops of England and Wales to many requests for a handbook...
The year 2015 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the close of the Second Vatican Council. This...
Presents the English translation of part of the proceedings of an international symposium on...
A special prayer book for young people from the same team who wrote the internationally...
A beloved classic for those who already have the beginnings of a prayer life but feel the need to...
Raymond Friel and David Wells, who between them have many years of experience of working with...
John Henry Newman is often described as 'the Father of the Second Vatican Council'. He ...
Author and theologian Bill Huebsch has provided a complete and thoroughly readable telling of the...
Gerhard Lohfink breaks open its strange phrases like "hallowed be thy name," its...
Discover what the Lord's Prayer really means, reinterpreted for a modern audience In this new...
What is the meaning of the expression 'pastoral' applied to the Second Vatican Council?...
This unique collection presents a comprehensive evaluation of each document of the Second Vatican...
In The Father Wants to Heal You, Father Nigel Woollen guides us on a personal journey ...
A leading Catholic intellectual explains why the teachings of the Second Vatican Council are...
Hand painted image of Jesus Christ with the Our Father prayer Made from wood 40 cm Wall...
This beautiful treasury includes daily prayers, a novena for Pentecost, the litany of the Holy...
The Holy Hour: twelve complete services will rejuvenate the Eucharistic Adoration in parishes and...
Books on prayer can so often make us feel challenged but guilty. Not this one! Prayer in the...
As Catholics, we know Mary as an intercessor, a model and witness, and a pilgrim, as one of...
Best-selling prayer book with 3 main sections: Prayer and Devotions, The Eucharist, and Catholic...
A beautiful compilation of favourite prayers. Hundreds of carefully selected prayers including...
The Jesus Prayer is the most popular devotional prayer in the Orthodox Church and increasingly...
This practical resource provides forty-seven prayer services for meetings at Catholic parishes ...
Fr Ronnie McAinsh, the Provincial of the London Province of the Redemptorists, has adapted the...
Lighting a candle is a common practice that accompanies our prayer. It symbolises our desire to...
From the Annunciation, when Mary received God’s invitation to become mother of his Son, to...
This book is intended as a guide to help each person in their prayer life. The book explores...
The Catholic deposit of faith and tradition is wide and deep! There are so many different...
A shorter version of the Morning and Evening Prayer, in a handy format, suitable for anyone...
This book provides a fresh, prayerful and powerful way of approaching Vatican II documents and in...
‘Hope is born of love and based on the love springing from the pierced heart of Jesus upon...