

The Gospel According to Luke: Volume 3 (New Collegeville Bible Commentary)
New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Gospel According to Luke Vol. 3
Michael F Patella, OSB
[Paper Back]

Luke continues to challenge our lives. Focusing on Jesus and his earthly ministry among the early church, Michael, F. Patella, OSB, opens the Gospel of Luke to the 21st-century reader. Patella presents literary, textual, and historical criticism in a readable manner to give readers a solid background for the Lukan Gospel. A brief introduction informs reader of Luke's literary technique, Luke as an evangelist, and other historical data.

Chapters are "The Prologue (1:1-4)," "The Infancy Narrative (1:5-2:52)," "Preparation for the Public Ministry (3:1-4:13)," "The Ministry in Galilee (4:!4-9:50)," "The Journey to Jerusalem (9:51019:27)," "The Teaching Ministry in Jerusalem (19:28-21:38)," "The Passion (22:1-23:56)," "The Resurrection (24:1-53)." Also includes questions for discussion.

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