


Learning To Believe
Pope Benedict XVI
[Paper Back] 6/13/2013

Pope Benedict XVI in this volume teaches all Christians how to rediscover the gift of faith. In...

Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church as Communion
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
[Paper Back] 5/1/2005

Cardinal Ratzinger is perhaps the most visible member of the Catholic clergy in the world, second...

Living Hope: A Practical Theology of Hope for the Dying
Herbert Russell
[Paper Back] 6/14/2014

Living Hope explores the meaning of Christian hope, its theology and psychology. It reflects on...

Light of the World: The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times
Pope Benedict XVI; Peter Seewald
[Hard Paper] 6/10/2010

Popes do not usually grant book-length interviews to journalists. And never before has a pope...

Theology of the Body in Context: Genesis and Growth
May William E
[Paper Back] 6/10/2010

The zenith of John Paul II's thought on the human person, marriage, and the family is found ...

Christian Belief
McGrath Alister, Editor
[Paper Back] 11/23/2018

In this highly accessible guide a team of expert contributors provide an authoritative and...

Is God Absent? Faith, Atheism and Our Search for Meaning
Anselm Grün, Tomáš Halík, W. Nonhoff
[Paper Back] 7/19/2019

Creates space for the tensions and contradictions inherent in the question of God and examines...

Ecumenical, Academic, and Pastoral Work 1931-1932: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 11
Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Barnett Victoria
[Hard Paper] 6/12/2012

Volume 11 in the sixteen-volume Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works English Edition, Ecumenical, Academic,...

Richard Dawkins, C. S. Lewis and the Meaning of Life
McGrath Alister
[Paper Back] 3/19/2019

Alister McGrath has written extensively and to great acclaim on both Richard Dawkins and C. S....

Jesus The Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
Pitre, Brant
[Paper Back] 2/15/2018

In Jesus the Bridegroom, Brant Pitre once again taps into the wells of Jewish Scripture and...

Philosophy of Religion: A Very Short Introduction
Bayne, Tim
[Paper Back] 2/22/2018

What is the philosophy of religion? How can we distinguish it from theology on the one hand and...

Catholic Social Teaching As Theology
Catta Gregoire
[Paper Back] 6/19/2019

Explores the theological dimension of Catholic social teaching by showing how magisterial...


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