


Christian Mindfulness: The Prayer of the Heart
Tyler, Peter
[Paper Back] 9/28/2018

Many Christian commentators have been taken aback by the seemingly unstoppable rise of the...

In the School of Saint Benedict: Benedictine Spirituality for Every Christian
Dom Perrin Xavier
[Paper Back] 7/1/2022

Saint Benedict is the incarnation of western monastic life. Abbot Xavier shows us the heart of...

A Little Less than Angels: Sketch of a Biblical Anthropology
Maurice Hogan
[Paper Back] 12/28/2021

Biblical symbolism has still a powerful appeal even today to change lives, to give reasons for...

My Theology: An Evolving God, An Evolving Purpose, An Evolving World
Chittister Joan
[Paper Back] 7/1/2022

The God that we were brought up on is not big enough to be God. To be both religious and...

Joy in God: Rekindling an Inner Fire
Hartmann Joachim & Unkelhauber Annette
[Paper Back] 9/20/2021

Contemplative prayer and the contemplative way of life are the central themes of this book....

Turn my Mourning into Dancing
Nouwen Henri
[Paper Back]

In this newly formatted edition, Turn My Mourning into Dancing discusses five movements we...

Faith, Fire and Song: The Writings of Richard Rolle for Everyone
Elizabeth Ruth Obbard
[Paper Back] 6/21/2021

Richard Rolle was born in Yorkshire and was a contemporary of Julian of Norwich. By nature he had...

Crumbs for the Journey: A Short anthology of spiritual reflections
Paine Peter S
[Paper Back] 6/19/2019

These brief extracts chosen by Peter Paine, which have fed him on the journey of his life and...

Aggressively Happy
Joy Marie Clarkson

This weary world can be ugly, despairing, and cynical. But you don't have to be. Instead,...

Godforsaken: The Cross - the Greatest Hope of All
Cottrell Stephen
[Hard Paper] 11/24/2022

In the Gospel of Mark's account of the Passion narrative, Jesus calls out from the cross...

Trust Your Feelings: Learning how to make choices with Ignatius of Loyola
Sintobin Nikolaas SJ
[Paper Back] 3/13/2022

This book is about discernment. To discern means to look for clues in your innermost experience ...

Christ versus Satan in Our Daily Lives, Volume 1: The Cosmic Struggle Between Good and Evil
Robert Spitzer, SJ
[Paper Back] 10/27/2020

Spiritual writer, theologian, and philosopher Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., tackles the topic...


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